The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


From the PSC

Dear PSC Member,
Today the Supreme Court will hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case designed to strip unions of our power to fight for a better life. The case is a calculated, well-funded attempt to roll back the gains unions have made in the past and ensure that there are no gains in the future. It is an attempt to make sure that working people—including us—have no collective voice and no collective power.  There is no clearer sign of how much is at stake in union power than the money invested by billionaires in trying to destroy it.
You have already taken the most important step to keep the PSC strong; you have signed our new, stronger union membership card.  Thank you.
But we need everyone to sign—especially now. Bargaining on a new PSCcontract is about to begin. Whether PSC members have the power to win a good contract depends largely on whether all of us make the commitment to membership.  We will need that power if we are to succeed in raising our salaries, improving our working conditions, and securing funding for the improvements we win.
Because our power depends on our numbers, every person who signs the new union membership card makes the union stronger not just for themselves, but for you.
That’s why I’m asking you to join colleagues on your campus in strengthening our membership. This week, PSC chapters at every campus and worksite are holding membership drives.  Chapters are organizing breakfast meet-ups and visits to colleagues in offices and outside classrooms to talk to them about signing the new union card.  Will you join us? Even an hour will make a difference. Contact your chapter chair to volunteer.  We need you!
You can also show support on social media and forward the link to colleagues.  Join the effort. It’s not about other people; it’s about you—your future, your family, the people you love and support.
In solidarity,
Barbara Bowen
President, PSC