The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC EventsNews

GC Digital Fellows Office Hours

Beginning next week, on September 23, the GC Digital Fellows will be holding office hours every Wednesday from 2-3pm in the Digital Scholarship Lab, Room 7414. You can find a full schedule of our office hours and staffing schedule on the GC Digital Fellows website.


Our office hours are open to all GC students, faculty, and staff, however students are our priority since we also provide individual faculty consulting in conjunction with the New Media Lab. During office hours, a rotating staff of two GC Digital Fellows provide one-on-one assistance for your digital humanities and digital scholarship projects. Appointments are not necessary; we operate on a first-come-first-served basis, however, if you have questions or would like to try and schedule a consultation outside of our office hours, please contact us with any specific questions or interests and we will do our best to accommodate you.


We encourage you to bring your laptop, questions, and a willingness to explore. Though we can’t solve every problem, we are happy to consult and help you find the resources you need. Just learning a new tool or programming language? Hack away at it with us! Brainstorming a digital project with some colleagues? Stop by and we can serve as a sounding board. Need some design tips for your academic website? Maybe we can show you how to add new designs and features.


The GC Digital Fellows each have knowledge about a range of engaging digital humanities projects and digital scholarship, and each has specializations that include:

  • 3D printing
  • big data collection
  • cloud storage
  • computer programming (Python, Javascript, Ruby, PHP, etc.)
  • digital content curation
  • content management systems
  • data visualization
  • data/database management
  • digital research tools
  • graphics and image manipulation
  • mapping and GIS
  • online collaboration
  • project management
  • statistics software and programming
  • social media and digital identities
  • text analysis
  • version control
  • web development

About the GC Digital Fellows Program: 


Based in the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the GC Digital Fellows Program operates as an in-house think-and-do tank for digital projects, connecting Fellows to digital initiatives throughout The Graduate Center. Digital Fellows utilize a team-based approach as they explore creative solutions for projects that can be implemented in a collaborative fashion. In the process, the Program helps build out “The Digital GC” — a vision of the Graduate Center that incorporates technology into its core research and teaching missions.


For more information, contact