The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

GC Digital Initiatives Open House (9/22) and First Workshop (9/19)

Dear colleagues,


Welcome back! We are writing today with information on 2 upcoming events: the Tools for the Digital Humanities Workshop (09/19/22) and the Digital Scholarship Lab Open House (9/22/22). Please forward the information to your program and read on to find out more!


Tools for the Digital Humanities Workshop
September 19th, 2022 (Mon) 12:00-1:30pm

Join us to see the possibilities for doing Digital Humanities work and learn about DH tools, methods, and projects!

With the remarkable array of digital tools available, it can be difficult to determine which ones you’ll really need, particularly when you’re in the research stage. Perhaps you only vaguely understand what “digital humanities” is. This workshop will give an overview of digital humanities methods and introduce a variety of tools for different kinds of research. We’ll discuss the genres and vocabulary of DH from text analysis to geospatial mapping and review the many available resources online and at The Graduate Center. Feel free to come with your project ideas and questions.


REGISTER on our website:


Digital Scholarship Lab Hybrid Open House || Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 
Drop In to the Digital Scholarship Lab from 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM and/or Register to participate in our online presentation followed by a Q&A with GC Digital Fellows.


Visit the Digital Scholarship Lab in room 7414 of the GC, anytime between 2 PM and 7 PM. There you will meet GC Digital Fellows, and learn about:

  • Resources for developing digital research projects
  • Ways to get involved with the #DigitialGC community
  • Information on upcoming workshops
  • Requesting consultations with fellows

No registration required for visiting in person. Just stop by and don’t forget to pick up some GCDI swag while you’re there!


Register​ for a Virtual Presentation by the GC Digital Fellows from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM on September 22nd. 

An informal presentation lasting about 25 minutes will be followed by a Q&A.  We’ll introduce you to programs like one-on-one consultations, workshops, user groups, our online resources, the annual GC Digital Research Institute, and more. First year students are encouraged to stop by and learn about all the resources we have to offer to help you achieve your research goals. To participate, REGISTER at​ You can also watch the livestream at


A Zoom meeting link and password will be sent to registered participants ONE hour before the Virtual Presentation start time! Please use your GC email address when registering.


Whether you are just curious about what the Digital Initiatives does or a frequent participant in our user groups, workshops, consultations, and events, this Open House is for you!

See you there!

Lisa and Matt



P.S. For more information about who we are and what we do, visit our website at



Matthew K. Gold, Ph.D

Associate Professor of English & Digital Humanities /

Director, MA in Digital Humanities & MS in Data Analysis and Visualization Programs /

Advisor to the Provost for Digital Initiatives

The Graduate Center, CUNY



Lisa Marie Rhody, Ph.D.
Deputy Director of Digital Initiatives

Director, Digital Fellowship Programs

Director, Digital Humanities Research Institutes
The Graduate Center, CUNY | @lmrhody | she/her


Use this link to schedule a 30-minute meeting.