The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program Events

GC History Peer Mentorship Program: Call for Applicants

The History Department is beginning a volunteer mentorship program aimed to deliver peer-to-peer advice to Level I and II students.

We invite students to apply for the following positions:

Peer Mentor for Undergraduate Education [1 mentor will be selected]
Responsibilities include:

  • Providing support for first-time instructors before they enter the classroom and during their first year of teaching.
  • Compiling resources including syllabi and possible textbooks or reading assignments.
  • Facilitating contact between professors and graduate students already teaching within the CUNY system and those new instructors assigned to the campuses.
  • Leading two workshops, one in November 2014, one in April 2015.

Peer Mentor for Oral Examination Preparation [1 mentor will be selected, must be Level III to apply]
Responsibilities include:

  • Compiling resources including sample book lists.
  • Advising on study, public speaking, and time management skills.
  • Communicating with professors about expectations for a successful oral examination.
  • Leading one workshop in early October 2014.

Peer Mentor for First Years [two mentors will be selected]
Responsibilities include:

  • Advising on adjustment to graduate school, including study skills, time management, and course selection.
  • Compiling resources including sample historiographical essays and research guides (area libraries, digital resources, etc.).
  • Communicating with professors about expectations for successful first-year and language examinations.
  • Leading three workshops [Oct. 2014, Dec. 2014, Feb. 2015].


In addition, all peer mentors will be expected to hold four hours of Office Hours per month. Each mentor may decide how to organize their time (i.e. one per week, two every two weeks, etc.) but Office Hours must take place in the History Lounge, Room 5114, and must be posted in advance on the Web site and on the bulletin board in the lounge. All mentors are expected to be available for additional mentorship via e-mail throughout the year.

To apply, please e-mail the following to by 5PM on Monday, September 8:

  • 1 completed cover sheet (Mentorship_Cover_Letter).
  • 1 page double-spaced statement including why you would like to be a mentor, highlighting your qualities as a mentor, and providing one piece of advice you would give to an incoming first year.
  • CV (no more than 2 pages).

All applicants will be notified by September 12. The selection committee comprises Professor Rosenblatt, Katie Uva (, and Megan Brown (