GC Virtual Wellness Festival 2020
The annual Wellness Festival has traditionally been a full day event in which dozens of providers and educators offer free health and wellness screening tests, complementary health services, onsite teaching and health information. This year’s Wellness Festival, scheduled for April 23, 2020 was cancelled because of the COVID 19 pandemic. It would have included: HIV testing, vision and hearing screenings, blood pressure screenings, Narcan training, acupuncture, massages, nutrition advice and information, reproductive health information, and much more.
At this time, when our existence has been drastically altered by the COVID 19 pandemic, it more important than ever to have adequate health care – for all aspects of our health and well-being, and to have access to reliable health information. Therefore, in lieu of a live onsite event, the Student Health Service is presenting a Virtual Wellness Festival. It is our hope that the Graduate Center community and visitors will find the content valuable.
We wish to thank all the providers who have so generously donated their time, efforts and expertise towards making this virtual event possible.
For more information, visit the virtual event
Adraenne Bowe, F.N.P., M.S.
Nurse Practitioner
Health Education Consultant/Supervisor
Wellness Center Student Health Service
Michelle Gaspari
PhD Student, Cultural Anthropology
Health Education Coordinator
Wellness Center Student Health Service
Wellness Center Student Health Services Staff:
Director of The Wellness Center: Robert Hatcher, Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator: Cheri Daniels, M.S.
Health Education Supervisor: Adraenne Bowe, F.N.P., M.S.
Health Education Coordinator: Michelle Gaspari
Office Assistant: Deborah Mandas
Office Assistant: Grace Acevedo