Graduate Student Essay Contest from the Michigan Historical Review
The Michigan Historical Review (MHR) is pleased to announce its 2024 Graduate Student Essay Contest. The MHR is the only scholarly history journal in the state, and they publish twice a year. The winner will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and publication in the Spring 2025 issue.
Today more than ever, those who seek college-level positions need to build a curriculum vitae that includes at least a measure of scholarly publication. This is a good chance for an aspiring historian to begin publishing.
Entries must be graduate-level papers that involve the history of Michigan in some manner and must include original research from primary sources. Papers should be a recommended 10,000-15,000 words, footnoted, double-spaced, without the writer’s name on any pages. A cover letter including the school program and supervisor’s name must be included with the essay.
Submissions should be e-mailed to no later than July 1, 2024. Members of the editorial board read the essays and provide each with a critique to assist in reshaping the essay into a more publishable form. In the case of entries that do not win, but show promise of being publishable after revision, the board urges student authors to revise and resubmit for an additional double-blind reading.
Should you have any questions regarding the journal, please feel free to contact Sarah Hamilton (