The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program EventsNews


Want to stay involved with the CUNY Graduate Center Community this summer? Interested in reading about the history of capitalism in different contexts across the globe?

Come join the Global Capitalisms Reading Group’s virtual meetings this summer! We invite you to join us as we read and discuss different works on the history of capitalism across periods, areas, and disciplines. Please see below a list of our summer meetings and readings. All summer meetings will take place over Zoom. All readings are available online and linked through the Mina Rees Library.

Thursday: 29 June 2023, 9:30 – 11:00am, Zoom link


Max Haiven. Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts. London, England: Pluto Press, 2020.


Thursday: 13 July 2023, 9:30 – 11:00am, Zoom link


Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson. The Politics of Operations: Excavating Contemporary Capitalism. Champaign: Duke University Press, 2019. 


Thursday: 27 July 2023, 9:30 – 11:00am, Zoom link


Luigi Burroni, Emmanuele Pavolini, and Marino Regini. Mediterranean Capitalism Revisited: One Model, Different Trajectories. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2022. 


Thursday: 10 August 2023, 9:30 – 11:00am, Zoom link


Helen Anne Curry. Endangered Maize: Industrial Agriculture and the Crisis of Extinction. Oakland: University of California Press. 2022. 


Founded in the spring of 2023, the student-run Global Capitalisms Reading Group (GCRG) offers a forum for students across disciplines to discuss capitalism and its effects on the world through commodity production and circulation, labor relations, international trade, and politics. We seek to combine theoretical texts defining capitalism as a system with a variety of approaches to the economic, social, cultural, environmental, gender, and intellectual histories of capitalism to unpack the differences between capitalism in theory, practice, and in scholarly consideration. Readings address a variety of perspectives, including authors who support, critique, or oppose capitalism.

To be added to our email list, please email Phoenix Paz ( or Chris Del Santo (

Unable to join us this summer? Meetings will resume in-person and virtually in Fall 2023. Be sure to join our email list for fall meeting times and reading schedule!