The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

Improv for Academics (TLC workshop)

Wednesday, February 8, 1-3pm
Room 9206

Does the thought of being in front of a classroom cause you anxiety? Are you looking for ways to help your students be less nervous and more comfortable in the classroom? Please join the Teaching and Learning Center on Wednesday, February 8 from 1-3pm for Improv for Academics.

This workshop will draw principles and exercises from improvisational theater to explore strategies for working with and calming the nerves that often accompany public speaking and interaction in the classroom. Improv is a theatrical practice that is performed live and constructed in the moment. Improv exercises emphasize cooperation, generosity, comfort with spontaneity and responsiveness to unexpected situations. These skills, when transferred to the classroom, can increase student engagement and foster group cooperation and collaboration.

Register to attend here: