The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


IRADAC Fellows Program


IRADAC Fellows Program

Fall 2014/Spring 2015



This fellowship is designed to provide support for Ph.D. candidates who are in the dissertation writing stage and to assist them in completing the dissertation. During the course of the program, fellows will have the opportunity to take advantage of  mentoring, professional development, and participation in weekly dissertation discussion groups. The duration of the program is one academic year.


This program is open to all students working in the African Diaspora broadly defined. Students must be within the last year of their dissertation and nominated by their dissertation chair or advisor.


Fellows will receive a $5,000 stipend.

Application Procedure

A letter of support or nomination from the dissertation chair or advisor is required. The letter should briefly describe the research and the student’s progress; the letter must clearly indicate that the applicant is within one year of defending his or her dissertation. Applicants must submit a one page personal statement indicating how the fellowship will be beneficial in helping them to complete their dissertation. A writing sample (e.g., chapter from the dissertation) indicating that the research has been completed and that the writing is clearly underway is also required.

Submission Process and Application Deadline

Please submit four (4) hard copies of all materials, excluding the letter of reference.  The letter of reference should be sent on department letterhead as a pdf.


Send all materials to the address below by 4pm, Friday, September 12th, 2014.