Jan. 09 7th Annual Boston University Graduate Student American Political History Conference: Americans and War
The Boston University American Political History Institute welcomes submissions for the Seventh Annual Graduate Student History Conference to take place at Boston University
This year’s conference will address American wars and conflicts from the colonial period to the present. We seek papers that shed new light on how war has shaped American politics, culture, or society. Submissions may focus on conflicts of any scale, from small skirmishes to global infernos. Examples might include not only declared wars, but also covert government action, insurgencies, or individuals fighting without state sanction. In addition to traditional military, diplomatic, and political angles, we welcome work that addresses its subject matter from cultural, economic, or intellectual perspectives.
Individual papers or panel proposals should be submitted in the form of a 300-500 word abstract by Friday, January 9, 2015. Please include a one-page C.V. along with your proposal, and send via email to David Shorten at dshorten@bu.edu. The most outstanding submission will receive the APHI Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Prize, which includes a $1,000 cash award. All presenters must be current graduate students. Distinguished faculty will serve as commentators for each panel.