January 15 – Call for Submissions: Immigration and Ethnic History Graduate Student Blog Competition
Recognizing the need to bring critical and evidence-based knowledge to public conversations on timely issues like immigration, scholars are recognizing that they have a special role to play by sharing their research more broadly with the public.
The Immigration and Ethnic History Society (IEHS) blog is a terrific venue to gain experience writing about history to reach a broader public, to add to your CV, and to share your work with a supportive community of scholars.
We invite submissions for the IEHS’s fourth annual Graduate Student Blog Competition.
The authors of the ten top submissions will receive a yearlong student membership to the IEHS, and the top student blog entry will receive an award of $100 and recognition at the IEHS Awards ceremony in addition to a yearlong membership to the society.
Your entry can be about your dissertation, other research, specific documents, oral histories, teaching experiences, or it can bring your history work into conversation with contemporary issues related to migration. We encourage you to write about any topic you deem relevant.
Write your entry with the readers of the IEHS blog in mind – smart, thoughtful people who are interested in immigration and ethnic history who may not be closely familiar with your particular topic.
You can read previous entries and subscribe to IEHS online here: https://iehs.org/category/blog/ [iehs.org]
Please submit a blog post by January 15, 2019 to socialmedia@iehs.org with “IEHS blog post competition” in the subject line. Posts should be 600 to 800 words and should include a short bio and head shot in the same document.
A committee of three will select the winners and notify the recipients by the end of January. Blog posts will be published throughout 2019.
If you have any questions, please contact us at socialmedia@iehs.org or carlygoodman at gmail.com [gmail.com]. We look forward to reading your work!
And please follow us on Facebook and Twitter!