The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

January 16-19, 2018 – four-day intensive course in digital research methods

Join the GC Digital Fellows from January 16-19, 2018 for a four-day intensive course in digital research methods. Covering a wide range of topics, the Digital Research Institute will help you develop the skills you need to analyze your data with a digital or computational approach.


GC Digital Research Institute

when: January 16-19, 2018

what: four-day intensive workshop in digital research methods

where: The Graduate Center, CUNY

why: to equip our academic community with digital research skills

who: for GC graduate students, faculty, and instructional staff of all skill levels and disciplines (no previous digital experience required)


GC DRI offers CUNY graduate students, faculty, and instructional staff an opportunity to develop digital research skills and to connect with others in an interdisciplinary environment. The week will begin with an introduction to the command line, git, Python, and databases for all students; participants will then have the opportunity to choose from a variety of more specific workshops on topics ranging from using APIs to the Natural Language Toolkit to machine learning.

The application will be open until 11:59pm on December 1st, 2017; however, we recommend that interested participants apply early, as space is limited.


Selection for the institute often depends upon the applicant’s availability for all sessions of the week-long institute, willingness to work and learn in groups, articulation of their research question to a lay audience, and general interest in learning new research methods.


If you have questions or comments, please contact us using the form on our website. Stay up-to-date on the GC Digital Research Institute by following us on Twitter at @Digital_Fellows and @CUNYGCDI and checking out the #GCDRI hashtag.


GC Digital Fellows

The Graduate Center, CUNY


About the GC Digital Fellows Program:

Based in the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the GC Digital Fellows Program operates as an in-house think-and-do tank for digital projects, connecting Fellows to digital initiatives throughout The Graduate Center. GC Digital Fellows use a team-based approach as they explore creative solutions for projects that can be implemented in a collaborative fashion. In the process, the Program helps build out “The Digital GC” — a vision of the Graduate Center that incorporates technology into its core research and teaching missions.