January 2021 | Open Pedagogy Fellowship – Apply by 12/21/20 at noon!
The Library seeks applications for fifteen Open Pedagogy Fellows for January 2021, each carrying a $2000 stipend.
What is the Open Pedagogy Fellowship?
The Fellowship experience will provide interactive training about how to find and use openly-licensed resources. We will discuss the economics of the scholarly landscape; how to broaden the reach of your own work as a scholar; integrating concepts of critical/open pedagogy into your teaching practices. Fundamentally, this is an opportunity to consider how knowledge is created and produced, and for whom – and which strategies can be used to center student voices/experiences.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
This Fellowship is for Graduate Center master’s or doctoral students who will be teaching at CUNY as adjuncts OR as GCFs in Spring 2021. Preference will be given to those using the OER / zero-cost syllabus they create.
What happens during the Fellowship?
Fellows are required to participate in workshops on the following dates (all times are 2:00pm – 4:00pm EST):
- Monday, January 11th
- Wednesday, January 13th
- Wednesday, January 20th (skipping 1/18, MLK Day)
- Monday, January 25th
- Wednesday, January 27th
- Monday, February 1st
*If one of the above dates or the time slot does not work for you, please apply and note this on your application.
- Syllabus Conversion Project:
- We’ll take a close look at your syllabus, and find equivalent materials that are free and openly licensed. You’ll learn how to identify and interpret Creative Commons, apply the principles of Fair Use, and locate Open Access scholarship within your discipline.
- Fellows will create an OER / zero-cost syllabus to replace an existing syllabus for a course that will be taught in Spring 2021 – or – that was previously taught in Fall 2020 and is expected to be taught again.
- Scholarly Engagement:
- Participate actively in discussion
- Fellows will present at the mini-showcase that concludes the Fellowship
Fellowship Calendar
- Apply here – Application Deadline: Monday December 21st, 12:00pm (Noon) EST
- Applicants will be notified of acceptance by December 24th.
- Fellowship begins on Monday January 11th (See required dates/times above)
We sincerely look forward to seeing your application! If you have questions about the Fellowship or application process, please contact Mr. Elvis Bakaitis (Interim Head of Reference) at ebakaitis@gc.cuny.edu
[And if you’d like to get a sense of the Fellowship, check out these reflection pieces by previous Fellows: Languaging in the CUNY Academic Commons, by Anthony Harb; “You are Not Neutral” by Inés Vañó García; The Art of Open Pedagogy by Anna Carroll]