The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Non-GC Events

March 1 Rorschach’s Inkblots: Damions Searls and Mark Krotov at the Cullman Center, NYPL

All events are free, but you must reserve seats.  We generally overbook to ensure a full house. All unclaimed seats are released 10 minutes before start time, so we recommend that you arrive early.

Click here to reserve your seats!

Damion Searls and Mark Krotov talk about Searls’ most recent book, The Inkblots: Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic Test, and the Power of Seeing. Searls explores the history and endurance of the Rorschach test, drawing on unpublished letters and diaries as well as previously unknown interviews with Rorschach’s family, friends, and colleagues.

Damion Searls has written for Harper’s, n+1, and The Paris Review, and has translated the work of authors including Rilke, Nietzsche, Walser, and Proust. A recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, he worked on The Inkblots as a fellow at the Cullman Center in 2013-14.