The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Mina Rees Library Updates


Contact the Mina Rees Library:



Mina Rees Library January Hours 2024 | Closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 15th)

January 2nd to January 23rd:

Monday-Friday: 10am-9pm

Saturday: 10am-6pm

Sunday: 12pm-6pm

January 24th and after:

Monday-Friday: 9am-10pm

Saturday: 10am-8pm

Sunday: 12pm-8pm

Elevator Updates

The historic elevator is undergoing repairs, but there is an alternative to the stairs. Read more here:

Reserves for the Spring Semester

Reserve requests should be submitted by mid-January in order to be ready by the start of classes. Teaching faculty should use this form to request books that they would like placed on reserve: GC Library Course Reserve Request Form (

Upcoming Workshops:

Scholarly Publishing Drop-In Hour

Thursday 1/4, 3:00pm-4:00pm

This drop-in session is for any member of the Graduate Center community with questions about scholarly publishing or other aspects of scholarly communication.


Dissertation Office Drop-in Hours

Tuesday, 1/9 2:00pm-4:00pm

Have a last-minute concern about depositing your dissertation or thesis? The library’s Dissertation Office dedicates time for drop-in Zoom consultations most Tuesdays from 2-4pm. Specific hours may vary from week to week; see registration page. Advance registration is not required but you must fill out the registration form to be connected. If another student is being assisted, you’ll be kept in the “waiting room” until the librarian is available.

(NB: Students are still welcome to stop by the Dissertation Office (room 2304) at other times or request an online or in-person appointment during regular business hours by emailing the Dissertation Office at

Additional Updates:

As always, everyone is encouraged to submit InterLibrary Loan (ILL) requests! ILL is an excellent way to obtain materials beyond the Graduate Center Library, in the form of print books, electronic articles/Ebook chapters, DVD’s, microfilm and more. Find out more about ILL here:

Set up a Consultation with your Subject Librarian

Feel free to select a time/date that works for you, to meet with the librarian for your program:

The librarians are happy to make arrangements to meet with you at other times, so also reach out by email.

Request a Book Purchase

The Graduate Center Library welcomes book purchase suggestions from the Graduate Center community, including the School of Labor and Urban Studies and the Advance Science Research Center. Note: Funding is limited. Please use this form: Request a Book Purchase (