Nov 28 – Javier Fernández Sebastián talk : “Crisis”: The Ups and Downs of a Key Concept of our Time
Javier Fernández Sebastián (of the Research Group on Intellectual History of Modern Politics)
“Crisis”: The Ups and Downs of a Key Concept of our Time
The aim of Professor F. Sebastian’s talk is to provide an overview of some of the historiographical/political/philosophical uses of the concept of crisis from the early 19th century on. Via an analysis of a few key texts – including those of a number of authors in the Spanish-speaking world – he will demonstrate how the meaning and uses of the concept of crisis evolved over time. His analysis should provide insight into how this essential concept was diffused and suggest some of the reasons for its extraordinary success over the past two centuries.
November 28, at 5 pm in the History Lounge (room 5114)
Co-sponsored by the co-sponsored by the PhD programs in History; Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures; Political Science; Comparative Literature; and the Committee on Globalization and Social Change
Javier Fernández Sebastián is Professor of History of Political Thought at the Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao) and PI of the Research Group on Intellectual History of Modern Politics. He has been Fellow and Visiting Professor at various universities and research centres in Spain (U. Carlos III, UIA, etc.), France (EHESS, U. Paris III), Germany (MaxPlanck Institut für Geschichte), Brazil (USP), the UK (University of Cambridge) and the USA (University of Harvard).Member of the editorial board of several Spanish and International Journals (Revista de Estudios Políticos, Historia Constitucional, Res Publica, Ariadna histórica, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, Historia y Grafía, Almanack, Contributions to the History of Concepts. He coordinates a series of classical texts on political thought in the Basque Country (Textos Clásicos del Pensamiento Político y Social en el País Vasco), as well as the collection Social Sciences & Humanities (Mc Graw Hill- Santander University Press). Member of the Editorial Board of the series International Archives of the History of Ideas (Springer Verlag). Since 2005 he leads an international project in comparative Iberian-American conceptual history (Iberconceptos). Member of the Editorial Board of the European Conceptual History Project (ECHP)
A list of his numerous publications and research projects can be found here: