November 14 Intellectual Publics Presents “From Dissertation to First Book: A Practical Guide”
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Skylight Room, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Please join Intellectual Publics on November 14, 2016 for From Dissertation to First Book: A Practical Guide
Ken Wissoker, Editorial Director of Duke University Press and Director of the Intellectual Publics program at The Graduate Center, CUNY will discuss the process of turning a Ph.D. dissertation into a first book.
He will share advice and expertise around the system of academic publishing with a focus on questions of genre and audience. All are welcome.
This event will be live streamed at:
KEN WISSOKER is the Editorial Director of Duke University Press, acquiring books in anthropology, cultural studies and social theory; globalization and post-colonial theory; Asian, African, and American studies; music, film and television; race, gender and sexuality; science studies; and other areas in the humanities, social sciences, media, and the arts. He joined the Press as an Acquisitions Editor in 1991; became Editor-in-Chief in 1997; and was named Editorial Director in 2005. In addition to his duties at the Press, he serves as Director of Intellectual Publics at The Graduate Center, CUNY in New York City.
He has published over 900 books which have won over 100 prizes. Among the authors whose books he has published are Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Jack Halberstam, Charles Taylor, Joan Scott, Lisa Lowe, Lauren Berlant, Brian Massumi, Arjun Appadurai, Sara Ahmed, Rey Chow, Donna Haraway, and Stuart Hall.
Wissoker is the author of the Cinema Journal essay “The Future of the Book as a Media Project and the earlier Chronicle of Higher Education articles “Scholarly Monographs Are Flourishing, Not Dying” and “Negotiating a Passage between Disciplinary Borders” the latter of which was later reprinted with responses from five social scientists in the Social Science Research Council newsletter, Items and Issues. A three-part interview with him by Adeline Koh appeared in April 2013 on the Prof. Hacker blog.