The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

Positions Available for the CUNY Digital History Archive project – January 2016

The CUNY Digital History Archive (CDHA) ( is an open, participatory digital archive and portal that
gives the CUNY community and the broader public online access to a range of materials related to the history of
the City University of New York. The CDHA will conduct and collect oral history interviews as well as accept
historical materials and records contributed by individuals whose lives, in diverse ways, have shaped, and been
shaped, by CUNY. Faculty, staff, and students have fought to sustain CUNY’s democratic mission and one of the
goals of the CUNY Digital History Archive is to document and preserve the stories of those efforts. This project also
involves coordination and collaboration with CUNY college libraries and archives that house significant historical
collections and records related to CUNY’s history.

The CUNY Digital History Archive is conducted under the auspices of the American Social History Project/Center for
Media and Learning at the CUNY Graduate Center with the support of the Arthur P. Sloan Foundation. We
currently have openings for part-time positions (7-15 hours/week) as well as student
internships/residencies/fellowships. Applicants should have experience working collaboratively and be selfmotivated,
highly organized and detail oriented. We encourage students in history, political science, English, library
sciences, urban education or other relevant disciplines to apply. Must have good research and writing skills
and/or strong technical/media skills. CDHA is programmed in Omeka and uses the Solr search engine.

Skills and Responsibilities may include:
• write introductory descriptions for historical documents
• research and enter metadata (sources, tags, subjects, etc.) for archival records
• organize and evaluate newly contributed items to the Archive and build collections
• proof-read oral history transcriptions

library/archival (under the direction of project archivist):
• research and enter metadata (sources, tags, subjects, etc.) for archival records
• collaborate on improving archive infrastructure
• assist with creation and manipulation of contributor submission forms
• assist with ingestion of full or partial digital collections from outside libraries/archives

• scan images
• enhance CDHA website as needed
• digitize audio and video files from source tapes
• edit video and audio contributions to the CUNY Digital History Archive project

Salary range: $15-$20/hour; 6 month – 1 year appointments.
Contact: Please email a cover letter and resume to Andrea Vásquez No phone calls.
Posting will remain open until positions are filled.
CUNY students are encouraged to apply.
ASHP/CML/CUNY is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/Americans with Disabilities Act employer