The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program 2024

2024 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program 

Deadline: November 1, 2023


Fellowships are offered to graduate students, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct independent research utilizing the Smithsonian collections, facilities, and/or staff expertise. Members of the Smithsonian professional research staff serve as advisors and hosts to fellows.


Fields of Research include: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.


POSTDOCTORAL Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for less than seven years. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $57,000 per year plus allowances. SENIOR Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for seven years or more. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $57,000 per year plus allowances.


PREDOCTORAL Fellowships are offered to doctoral candidates to conduct dissertation research. Students enrolled in a university as candidates for the Ph.D. or equivalent are eligible. By the time the appointment begins, the university must approve the undertaking of dissertation research at the Smithsonian Institution and certify that requirements for the doctorate, other than the dissertation, have been met. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $45,000 per year plus allowances. 


GRADUATE STUDENT Fellowships are offered to students for graduate students to conduct independent research before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. When they apply, students must be formally enrolled in a graduate program of study at a degree-granting institution and must have completed at least one full-time semester or its equivalent. The term is 10 weeks. The stipend is $10,000.