The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Summer Course: Writing for Government and Non-Profits

Writing for Government and Non-Profits (PDEV 79408) 

Are you in a humanistic discipline and thinking about career pathways in the non-profit and government sectors? This non-credit, online course introduces students to career opportunities in writing for non-profit organizations and governments and explains how to leverage the knowledge and skills gained in a graduate program in order to obtain and succeed in these roles. Students will learn how to write in these professional contexts and have an opportunity to gain feedback on their work. They will meet and learn from professionals with doctoral degrees who are currently working in these fields. The course will be led by Graduate Center alumna Kara Alaimo, who has worked as a communicator in the United Nations, U.S. government, and Peter G. Peterson Foundation.


NOTE: Students who enroll in this course and maintain their attendance will earn a $300 stipend at the end of the summer term.


When: May 30-July 6, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-3 PM

Where: Zoom


To register for this course, log into CUNYFirst; go to Student Center and select “Search,” which takes you to the “Search for Classes” page. Select the institution (Graduate Center), the term (Summer ’23), and the course number (PDEV 79408).