The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

The Chapin School Scholar in Residence Opportunity

The Chapin School (NYC) seeks academic leaders to join its inaugural Scholar-in-Residence program for the 2020-2021 school year. Through their lens of expertise, Scholars will provide professional development for faculty; co-teach one unit of study within Chapin’s Upper School English or History program; provide curriculum feedback and classroom observation; engage in a facilitated mentoring process with a small group of student interns; and provide one presentation in their area of expertise open to Chapin parents and alumni.
The Scholar will be present online and/or in-person at Chapin for a maximum of 8 hours weekly from September 2020 through May 2021 as structured between the Scholar and appropriate department chairs. Through the duration of their tenure the Scholar will receive a $25,000 stipend for their work, dedicated physical workspace if on site, a laptop computer, and a Chapin email address.
We seek Scholars currently associated with a higher ed program and with expertise in any of the following disciplines, in any combination:
  • Black/African Diaspora History
  • Black/African Diaspora Literature
  • Black/African Diaspora Visual or Performing Art
  • Black/African Diaspora Politics and Citizenship
  • Black/African Diaspora Gender and Sexuality
Post-doctoral candidates of color, mid-doctoral candidates of color, and independent researchers of color are strongly encouraged to apply. This will be a fast-tracked appointment, with interviews beginning August 2020 and Scholars announced in early September 2020. The deadline for application is August 21. Please click here [] to apply.