Tenure-track opening in Gender and Sexuality and African American studies at University of Alabama
The Departments of Gender and Race Studies and American Studies at the University of Alabama invite applications for a joint appointment tenure-track assistant professor position specializing in gender and sexuality. We seek candidates specializing in political, theoretical, and cultural approaches to the study of gender and sexuality. The successful candidate will be able to teach courses in their specialization such as Black Queer Politics, and a graduate seminar in the department of American Studies, Modern Gay America.
Applicants will be expected to contribute to this rich and rewarding intellectual environment and offer courses that met the needs of all three undergraduate programs of study and both M.A. programs. Appointment is 75% in Gender and Race Studies and 25% in American Studies; service requirements will NOT exceed those of faculty with appointment in a single department. Tenure will be in the Department of Gender and Race Studies. Pursuit of an active research agenda leading to the publication of a number of articles or a book is required as well as service to the University community and professional organizations. The successful candidate will present a record of scholarship and teaching that is consistent with tenure-track work at a research university. PhD in hand preferred, ABD considered.
The appointment will begin August 15, 2014.
To apply, go to http://facultyjobs.ua.edu and complete the online application. Attach a letter of application, and curriculum vitae. Send three letters of recommendation and a transcript of graduate work and an article-length writing sample directly to Search Committee, Gender and Race Studies, University of Alabama, Manly Hall 104, Box 870272, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 35487-0272. For more information, contact the search committee chair Dr. Utz McKnight, at mcknight.utz@ua.edu. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2013, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. We welcome applications from women, members of historically underrepresented minority groups, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.