The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


The Organization of American Historians sponsors or cosponsors awards, prizes, fellowships and grants

The Organization of American Historians sponsors or cosponsors awards, prizes, fellowships and grants given in recognition of scholarly and professional achievements in the field of American history. The complete listing of awards and prizes presented by the OAH can be found at .



Named for Benjamin Quarles and Nathan Huggins, two outstanding historians of the African American past, the Huggins-Quarles Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to one or two graduate students of color to assist them with expenses related to travel to research collections for the completion of the PhD dissertation.


The Lerner-Scott Prize is given annually by the Organization of American Historians for the best doctoral dissertation in US women’s history.


The Louis Pelzer Memorial Award Committee of the Organization of American Historians invites candidates for graduate degrees to submit essays for the Louis Pelzer Memorial Award competition.


Travel grants are awarded to three (3) graduate students each year to be used toward costs of attending the OAH-IEHS Annual Meeting.