The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


The Society of the Cincinnati: Fellowships for 2017

The Society of the Cincinnati is offering four research fellowships for 2017: The Tyree-Lamb Fellowship, two Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Fellowships, and the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland Fellowship (the latter specifically for a scholar whose work is focused in the American colonial period, 1607-1775). Each fellowship provides $1,500 to support the cost of travel, housing, and per diem expenses for a scholar wishing to use the Society’s library for a period of at least five days. The fellowships are open to graduate students and other scholars who are conducting research that may benefit from the library’s holdings.
The Society of the Cincinnati library collections include contemporary books, manuscripts, maps, and works of art on paper which support the in-depth study of 18th-century naval and military history and the art of war in the age of the American Revolution. The library also houses books and archives related to the formation and history of the Society of the Cincinnati, as well as materials related to the life of Larz and Isabel Anderson, whose Gilded Age home now serves as a museum, and the headquarters of the Society.
Recipients will be required to fulfill their fellowship research in the library within a period of one year from the date of the award. Further, the recipient will be required to submit a two-to-three-page written report and summary of research findings, which may be published in the Society’s journal, Cincinnati Fourteen. In addition, the library requests a single copy of any subsequent publication (article, thesis, dissertation, or book) that may result.
The recipients of each of the four research fellowships will be chosen from a single round of applications.
Applicants should submit the following:

A curriculum vitae, including educational background, publications and professional experience
A brief outline of the research proposed (not to exceed 2 pages)
(For current graduate students only) Two confidential, sealed letters of recommendation from faculty or colleagues familiar with the applicant and his or her research project. Note: If letters are to be mailed independently, please include the names of recommenders when submitting the application.
Applicants are encouraged to cite specific holdings of the library that would benefit their research.
Applications for the 2017 fellowships must be received by November 11, 2016.
Applicants will be notified by January 10, 2017.
Applications should be mailed to:
Ellen McCallister Clark, Library Director
The Society of the Cincinnati
2118 Massachusetts Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008

For further information about the collections, please visit the Society’s website at or contact Rachel Jirka, research services librarian at (202) 785-2040, x424; or

Contact Info:
Rachel Jirka, research services librarian
(202) 785-2040, x424