The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


University of Wisconsin—Madison Libraries Grants to Scholars

Grants to Scholars– Call for Applications – Deadline February 1, 2016

The Friends of the University of Wisconsin—Madison Libraries are pleased to announce their 2014 Call for Grants to Scholars Application. The awards are generally for a one month’s duration for research in the humanities, sciences and related fields appropriate to the libraries’ collection strengths. Awards are made up to $2,000 each for recipients from North America and $3,000 for those from elsewhere in the world.

Applications are due February 1 of any year. For application forms or more information, go to[]  or Friends of the University of Wisconsin—Madison Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 330H Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, WI 53706, or contact the Friends at 608-265-2505; fax: 608-265-2754, E-mail: