The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program EventsNews

Program for March 13 Student Conference – Identities, Ideologies, and Interactions: Conceptualizing New Histories

Identities, Ideologies, and Interactions: Conceptualizing New Histories

March 13th, 2015



8:00-9:00 – Sign-in, light refreshments                   Room 5/114


9:00-10:40 –

Interactions with the State: Moments of Expansion and Resistance, Room 8/301

Commentator: Dr. Josh Freeman       Chair: Dr. Kyle Francis

Ean Oesterle, “State-Building and the Immigration Reform Act: Implementing IRCA in New York”

Emily Brooks “The ‘Abortion Problem’ in New York, 1938-1942”

Jenna Krumminga, “The African Burial Ground: A Case Study in the Use of Public History as a Means of Resisting Marginalization.”


10:50-12:30 –

Identity under British Imperialism: Room 8/400

Commentator: Dr. Timothy Alborn          Chair: Jeff Diamant

Phelim Dolan “Dr. Henry Jones and 17th Century Ireland”

Arman Azimi, “Oil and the “Other”: Orientalist Discourse, the Failure of Oil Negotiations, and the 1953 Coup in Iran.”

Luke Reynolds, “‘This race… so convinced of its innate superiority:’ imperial and class identity in early British Hong Kong.”

Everyday Pleasures in Modern Europe Room 8/301

Commentator: Dr. Randy Trumbach        Chair: Chris Ewing

Davide Colasanto “The Emergence of Pleasure: Erasmus Students’ Sexuality and Its Media and Cultural Representations over Time”

Andrew Kotick “Laughing Matters: Humor and the Fabric of Parisian Community under Siege”

Diana Moore, “A Moral Risorgimento: Mazzinian Women and the Campaign against Regulated Prostitution in Italy”


12:30-1:30 – Lunch Break


12:45 – Keynote Address, Dr. Sara Pursley, Room 5/114 “Familiar Futures: Time, Selfhood, and Sovereignty in Iraq, 1921-63.”


1:30-3:10 –

History and Digital Methods, Room 8/400

Commentator: Dr. Steven Remy            Chair: Roy Rogers

Micki Kaufman “Studies in Collocation: Language, Secrecy and Violence in the DNSA’s Kissinger Correspondence”

Jonhathan Thayer, “The Haystack: Who Controls the Archive in the Age of Big Data

Colonialism, Hegemony, and Diaspora, Room 8/301

Commentator: Dr. Satadru Sen                 Chair: Chris Ewing

Nick Levis “Dictatorship and Diaspora”

Chris Rominger “Thankful Sons and Dark Ideas: Institutionalizing Colonial Difference in French Muslim Hospitals during the First World War”


3:20-5:00 –

What’s Next? Post-Dissertation Research, Room 8/400

Commentator: Dr. David Nasaw            Chair: Lauren Saxton

Scott Johnson, “The sources did not behave

Francesca Vassalle, “Contraception in Post-Fascist-Italy: A Few Thoughts and Reflections”

Dr. Erin Wuebker, “Digital Additions and Transformation: Venereal Disease Visual History Archive”

Art as History, Art as Entrance, Room 8/301

Commentator: Dr. Julia Sneeringer            Chair: Laura Ping

Michelle Donnelly “Escapes into Iowa: Grant Wood’s Agricultural Playgrounds, 1930-1936”

Gillian Pistell “Ray Johnson’s Historical Project: Reflections of Time”

Jeanne Gutierrez “Isabella Stewart Gardner’s Jewelry”


5:00 – Refreshments and Reception                 Room 5/414