The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

Baruch College seeks instructors

Baruch College seeks an instructor with knowledge of history pre-1500 for Fall 2017 to teach HIS 1001:  Themes in Global History to 1500 C.E., MoWe 4:10PM – 5:25PM, 101-114 students.  (This class counts as 6 workload credits and comes with the possibility of hiring a grader.). This course studies the historical development of fundamental cultural, political, and social institutions and traditions through the analysis of recurring themes in world history. To ensure a broad perspective and a comparative approach, trends will be examined among three areas of the globe, including Africa, the Near East, South and East Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the Americas.  The course fulfills the Global Pathways requirement.  Please contact ASAP if interested.  Semester starts August 25.


Baruch College seeks an experienced instructor to teach a capstone course for history majors and minors in Fall 2017 starting August 25.  HIS 4900,   Capstone Course: In Search of History, MoWe 5:50PM – 7:05PM,  20 students, 3 credits.                The course examines how history is written, used, and sometimes misused.  It explores the differences between primary and secondary, written and oral, official and unofficial sources. It also explores the influence of history on contemporary culture, particularly in films, television, novels, newspapers, and national politics. Topic is open but the course should address issues of historiography, research methods, and should involve a research paper.    Please contact ASAP if interested.