The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

GC Digital Fellows virtual workshops in February and March

The GC Digital Fellows will be offering virtual workshops again in February and March on topics such as building websites, word embeddings with Python, modeling in R, working with QGIS, and game design. Participation is free and open to anyone with a GC affiliation; however, registration at least 24 hours in advance is required so that we can send out meeting information.


Title and Registration Link Date, Time Description
Predictive Modeling in R II 2/18/2022, 4-5:45pm This workshop will introduce regression-based supervised learning (predicting continuous outcome). Some experience with R is advised.​
Working with HathiTrust Data 3/2/2022, 12-2pm This workshop provides an overview of the interface for accessing and analyzing the HathiTrust’s data. No previous experience is required.
Introduction to HTML and CSS 3/9/2022, 12-2pm In this workshop, intended for beginning coders, you will learn the basic syntax of both languages and practice using a text editor (Visual Studio Code) to create a mock website page. No previous experience required.
Word Embeddings 3/15/2022, 2-3:30pm In this example-based introduction to basic word embeddings techniques with Jupyter we will explore the package word2vec to learn vector representation of words and analyze language variation in Python. Some experience with Python is advised.
Beginning Game Design with Python 3/16/2022, 2-4pm In this intermediate workshop you will be introduced to Pygame, a free and open-source library for creating computer games in Python. (Requires some familiarity with Python.)
Beginner’s Guide to Web Scraping 3/23/2022, 2-3:30pm In this beginner workshop, we will be discussing some of the common practices of web scraping.
Geoprocessing tools with QGIS 5/5/2022,
This workshop will explore tools that are part of the open software mapping software QGIS. Some familiarity with QGIS is advised before registering for this workshop. (For example, completing this online workshop asynchronously:


Although our workshops tend to fill up quickly, we actively monitor the waitlists and open up seats as soon as they become available.

If you don’t see a workshop on a topic that you were hoping for, please feel free to set up a consultation meeting with us at, and we can help you find online resources to help you achieve your research technology goals. If you are unable to make one of our synchronous workshops, consider trying one of our Digital Humanities Research Institute workshops online ( and setting up a consultation to review any questions or problems that you might have along the way.