The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program Events

March 16 – The 8th Annual PhD Program in History Graduate Student Conference

 9.45-10:15 – Sign-in, light refreshments                  

Room 5114


10:15-11:30 – Antebellum Identities and Politics,

Room 5409

Commentator: Prof. David Waldstreicher

Chair: David Campmier

Duangkamol Tantirungkij, “Political Strategy in the Northern Free States during the Republican Party’s Formative Years, 1854-1856”

Cody Nager, “A Citizen for Two Days: Property and the 1787 Naturalization of Francisco Pablo DeVidal”

Evan Turiano, “‘An Overt Act’: The Fugitive Slave Issue and the Political Discourse on Secession”

Hye Seung Yoo, “Judge of Nation and Empire: William Smith Jr. of New York and Quebec”



10:15-11:30 – Science, Knowledge, and Society in the Long 19th Century

Room 5414

Commentator: Barbara Naddeo

Chair: Davide Giuseppe Colasanto

Madeline S. DeDe-Panken, “’Our Craving for Further Knowledge:’ Gender and Authority in Late-Nineteenth Century Mycological Work”

Sophie Tunney, “Make Love Not War: The Importance of Population Growth and Interracial Mixing in Raynal’s Histoire des Deux Indes

Hratch Kestenian, “Madness in the Ottoman Empire: The Case of ‘Asfuriyeh 1898-1918”

11:30-12:45 – Archival Research: Working with Unique Primary Sources,

Room 5114
Phelim Dolan

Participants: Andrew Alger, Andrew Kotick, Micki Kaufman, Maura Kenny


12:45-1:45 – Lunch Break – courtesy of the DSC – Room 5114


2:00-3:15Activism and Historical Memory in 20th century Germany and US,

Room 5409

Commentator: Prof. Julia Sneeringer
Stephanie Makowski

Jenna Krumminga, “The Criminalization of Black Dissent: Black Power, Hegemony and the First Amendment”

Adam Kocurek, “Transforming Paradoxical Economies: Dualities and Negotiations of Queers for Economic Justice”

Esther Adaire, “Limited Liability: Political Guilt and Historical Responsibility in the Early Federal Republic of West Germany”



2:00-3:15 National Identity and Culture across Time and Space,

Room 5414

Commentator: Prof. Tim Alborn

Chair: Miriam Liebman

Jarret Moran, “A Faith in Culture?: The Politics of Late Nineteenth Century Literary Criticism”

Kikuko Tanaka, “Historicizing History: The Case of Jacques Rancière’s The Ignorant Schoolmaster




3:15-4:45 – Money Talks: Reflections on the History of Capitalism

Roundtable, Room 5114

Moderator: Rafael Davis Portela

Prof. Julia Ott (New School)

Prof. Joshua Freeman (The Graduate Center, CUNY)

Erin Cully

Matt Shutzer (NYU)
5:00 – Refreshments and Reception                Room 5114


All participants are students at the Graduate Center, CUNY unless otherwise indicated.

