University of Maryland- 10th Annual History Graduate Student Association Conference- Metamorphosis: Transformations of Borders, Identity, and Place
The University of Maryland, College Park’s History Graduate Student Association is excited to announce its 10th Annual History Graduate Student Conference on Friday, February 27, 2015. The conference organizers invite submissions of research proposals from M.A. and Ph.D. students in history or other disciplines.
Metamorphosis is a historical dynamic that forms, sustains, contests, and transforms borders, identities, and places. As daily coverage of the many ongoing conflicts and disputes around the world remind us, boundaries and borders in all forms and definitions–spatial, cultural, linguistic, religious, political–continue to be the objects of struggle, anxiety, and transgression. The formations and contestations of identities intersect with these issues of boundaries, as do the ways in which humans interact with places, both physical and conceptual. We encourage submissions that cross geographical, temporal, and methodological boundaries. We would like to have as many historical periods and places represented as possible, from medieval to modern, the Americas to Asia and everywhere in between. Though papers must be historical in nature, they may also draw upon theoretical and methodological approaches of other disciplines. While we strongly encourage papers that adhere in some way to the theme, we will be generous in determining the boundaries of acceptable submissions!
The conference provides an opportunity for graduate students to present and discuss their research with colleagues and peers. Panels consist of several graduate presenters, a graduate student commentator, and a faculty chair. After a series of panels held throughout the day, the conference will conclude with an invited keynote speaker. We trust that the presentations, discussions, and keynote address will offer many excellent opportunities for professional development and intellectual exchange.
Paper proposals must be submitted by Monday, 15 December 2014. Proposals must be no more than 300 words and should include scholar’s name, home institution, e-mail address, the fundamental research question addressed in the paper, the evidence and methodological approaches to be used, and the argument to be made. Though conclusions need not be final, the areas of inquiry must be consistent between proposal and presentation.
If selected, participants will be asked to submit a ten to fifteen page final version of their paper by 15 January, 2015. The best paper presented at the conference will receive a cash prize.
Submit proposals and questions by email to:<>
And see our website at:<>
Presented with support from The Nathan and Jeanette Miller Center for Historical Studies