GC DSC-Sponsored Finals Relief Stations
Overwhelmed by the end-of-semester madness? We’ve got your back (for massages, at least). The DSC is sponsoring Finals Comfort Stations this fall to help you rest, relax, and refresh while studying, writing, and grading.
All Graduate Center students
Finals Comfort Stations with free 10-minute chair massages, earplugs, and napping stations
Mina Rees Library, First floor beyond the elevators
Monday, December 15th, 11am-3pm
Tuesday, December 16th, 11am-3pm
As an extension of the Finals Relief Stations, we are offering the following events:
Zen Buddhist Guided Meditation Sessions: Mindfulness and Strategies for Finals Relief!
• Tuesday, December 9th, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Rm. 5414
• Tuesday, December 16th, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Rm. 5414
“Scholarly Postures”: Learn about proper neck, shoulder, and spinal alignment, as well as stretches and massage techniques to help counter the pain of poor posture.
• Friday, December 12th, 1pm-2:30pm, Rm 5414